There are a variety of reasons why people start using drugs – for recreation; out of curiosity; because of peer pressure; as a way to cope with problems, stress, or depression; or even as a result of a medical condition. In the U.S., addiction to prescription medications, opioids in particular, has been a serious public…

Most common health concerns for women and how to address them
The most common health concerns for women are mostly age-related. Knowing what to watch out for as you age is the first step towards preventing these serious health conditions Heart Disease According the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “almost as many women as men die each year of heart disease in the…

Most Common Health Concerns for Men
Aging, family history, and lifestyle contribute to increased risks for health conditions that commonly afflict men. Knowing your risk factors can help you and your family medicine practitioner better monitor your health and prevent problems you could be susceptible to. Cardiovascular Disease The American Heart Association has named cardiovascular disease the number one health issue…

Give Your Heart a Chance - Reducing Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease remains a serious health problem among Americans, mostly because of lifestyle factors. Because age and hereditary factors are unmodifiable, plans designed to reduce risk for cardiovascular disease mostly address lifestyle-related risk factors that are also associated with the major precursors for the condition, which are hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. Studies have established that…

Diversity in Healthcare to Promote Trust and Improve Health Across All Populations
The race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation of healthcare providers are, oftentimes, not a big deal to most patients. After all, when they visit a hospital, clinic, or pharmacy, their priority is to have their healthcare needs taken care of as promptly as possible. However, diversity in healthcare, or a lack of it, can make certain…

Weight Matters
The way to achieving success in adopting a healthier attitude toward eating is by taking small, manageable steps. Make a few, small changes to your diet and eating habits when you’re first starting, such as eating an apple for a snack once a day or having oatmeal for breakfast two or three times a week…

Palliative Care - What You Need to Know
Palliative care involves multiple specialties in medicine and a well-coordinated approach focused on providing the best possible quality of life (QOL) for patients with serious and/or life-threatening conditions, as well as their families, through prevention and relief of suffering. A comprehensive plan for palliative support includes the following: Management of symptoms. Establishing a support and…

Why You Should Immunize Your Child
Immunization through vaccination is one of the biggest breakthroughs in modern medicine. Its success in reducing disease, disability, and death has been nothing short of astounding. The numbers cannot be disproved. An article published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S. National Library of Medicine website reveals that immunization of children against nine…

The Gut Factor - What Your Microbiome Says About You
The saying, “Listen to your gut,” is not just a figure of speech. It has a valid biological significance. A healthy gut microbiome does not only translate to a healthy digestive system – the proper digestion of food and proper absorption and assimilation of nutrients. Scientists refer to the gut as the body’s “second brain”;…